Juicing My MS

Hi, my name is Megan, and I am one of the hundreds of thousands of people suffering from MS. I have had a rocky road trying to keep my symptoms under control. But the one thing that has always worked the best has been natural therapies.

I started this blog on Wordpress, and if you want to read my full story you can here: http://juicingmyms.wordpress.com/

Since my health has taken a recent downturn I am again looking to natural methods for healing. I discovered the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It was amazing. If you haven't seen it, check it out. It is a 'play it now' on Netflix. This man, with an autoimmune disease and extra weight, did a 60 day juice cleanse. At the end he was a healthy weight and was able to quit all medication, under doctors supervision, and had not had any flares of his symptoms. It got me thinking that this was for me.
My Mean Green Juice

So this is where I am at, I cannot afford all the fruits and veg needed to do a full on juice cleanse. On top of that, I dropped and broke my juicer yesterday! So climbing these monetary hurdles I am currently drinking one juice a day, consisting of kale, cucumber and green apple, and using a blender and nut milk bag to do my juicing.

Also I am in the process of applying for disability. Who knew that was such an arduous ordeal? It is my second  time applying so I am hoping for some results in our favor and in turn the money to start a long term juice cleanse.

So for now I spend my time updating you on the juicing, which with only one a day is going fabulously so far! Thanks for joining, or re-joining my juicing journey.


Anonymous said...

Hi Megan,
Sorry to hear about your juicer :(
I did make your mean green Kale juice this week and considering how green it is...it tastes pretty darn good! I will keep this up for sure and I have a renewed excitement for juicing, thanks!
I hope you get to do your whole juice cleanse REALLY soon! This is a great way to be free of the sugar monster.
As far as the sugar, for me, I came to the realization that sugar was an idol to me and I was therefore a slave to it. Yucky feeling, great revelation! It is no longer a master to me but I know that I need to stay humbly before God to keep me free. I'm already feeling better too.
I'm glad to see CHANGE in your vocabulary and future. I always told my complaining children (as adolescents) that they were not allowed to complain about anything that they were not willing to change. You'll either shut up (and put up) or move forward. I say go forward!!

Unknown said...

Glad you liked it! I swear juicing has helped kill my sugar cravings! Thanks for your support!

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