Showing posts with label lean protein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lean protein. Show all posts

Back on Track


We're slowly getting back on track. I can't tell you how much easier it is having the whole family on board with me! And so far, only five days in, I am shocked at the results we have seen so far. We are juicing just once a day for now. In the past I have complained about the true cost of juicing and trying to find ways to make it affordable, well I think I found my new best friend in this regard. Costco! Do you have a Costco in your area? Honestly I had no idea they had such an amazing produce section in their store! We purchased loads of fresh fruits and veggies, some of them even organic and spent under $100. I was shocked at what we were able to buy. Not to mention the amazing steelhead salmon and whole chickens we picked up too. Costco is my new favorite store.

So what results have we noticed? For me personally I can tell you that I have been getting rid of some massive parasites!It's not always a pleasant topic, talking about what comes out you when juice. Really, some of what I have seen has been terrifying, but terrifying that it was inside me and I am so happy to be flushing it out of my body. I'm not sure what has suddenly killed these parasites, that wasn't something I was expecting. But I am so thankful for the energy boost I have gotten since getting them out of my system. My husband is experiencing some massive detox symptoms, achy muscles and itchy skin. And while these symptoms are unpleasant we both are excited at what it means, and what our body is getting rid of.

We also have overhauled our diet. I have cut out gluten, dairy, sugar and legumes. I have to say I am so much prouder of the dinners I am putting on the table, which are loaded with veggies and did I mention tasty?! Our food has been so much more tasty than ever before, good quality food is so good. My goal is to load at least 50% of the meal if not more with veggies, then the rest is lean protein and starch. And if I can manage it as much raw veggies as possible. Even my almost two year old son has been enjoying dinner more, I cannot believe how much more he eats.He was very upset that he doesn't get milk first thing in the morning anymore, but he helps us juice and that has been fun and exciting for him. I am all about getting him fully involved in this process. Today he stood on the counter and used the plunger/prodder thing to help the veggies through the juicer, with Daddy's help of course. I truly believe that doing this as a family has it's own health benefits, the teamwork and support is amazing.

Need some gluten, dairy and sugar free recipe ideas? Check out my Pinterest board: