Tackling Another Whole30!

I've been so overwhelmed with life lately. I'm not sure if it's the way everyone would feel or if it's my MS brain that makes it impossible for me to handle everything at once. Between being a mom, the CFO of our family, and other responsibilities food seems to take a back burner. I've still been Paleo and mostly AIP (autoimmune Paleo/protocol). But the 80/20 rule really doesn't work when you are dealing with autoimmunity! I am still suffering the side effects of that 20% that isn't Paleo.

So I'm starting a new Whole30 today! Have you read my past posts about the Whole30? Last time it was the hardest thing (even over childbirth! But my little guy came in 6 hours, it wasn't 30 days!) but I also saw amazing results and improvement in my symptoms!

So starting today I tackle it all over again. I have a few friends along for the ride. One is a Seasoned Paleo pro, and the other two are newbies! I'm excited to help the newbies along their first Paleo journey, and hopefully they will have amazing stories to tell at the end. They are both young, active and generally healthy, so they will be a great test next to me, the autoimmune experiment.

I know I have really neglected the blog lately, but I was really inspired by a page on Facebook that I follow called Pretty in Paleo. The author posted her Whole30 (and beyond) dinners everyday. Before I started this, I asked my friends on Facebook: 'who wants to do a Whole30 with me?' The response was funny, people said good for you, but not for me! So I really want to post pictures of what I am eating, so they can see it's really not that scary or different. And the meals also tasty. With my first Whole30 my husband and I discovered that we were enjoying our meals so much more than before. Cooking was even more fun because we had to think about what we were cooking.

What do you think? Would you take a 30 day strict Paleo challenge? If you are ready to start post in the comments! If you don't know what it is follow this link: http://whole30.com/new/

The Whole30 program is outlined, completely free on their website. This is what helped me get started, I didn't want to spend money on another 'diet fad'. But being able to try it completely free made me a believer!

Here is breakfast day one: Leftover shredded pork, an egg and homemade sauerkraut. My eyes were bigger than my tummy this morning and I only finished about half the pork. Part of the Whole30 is discovering you satiety sensors, so I listened to them this morning!